
Filename: Auto Seamer
Description: Texture Seamer
Filename: Batch Compiler
Description: Batch File Compiler
Filename: Darkulator
Author: botman
Description: The Darkulator is a Windows utility for Half-Life BSP map
files that will allow you to adjust the light levels in the map. You can
increase or decrease the light levels and you can change the skymap texture name.
Filename: DPB FGD
Author: DPB Dev Team
Description: FGD Entity file to be used in conjuction with Hammer Editor
(aka Worldcraft).
Filename: Hammer Editor v3.4
Author: Valve
Description: Hammer Map Making Editor Version 3.4
Filename: Hammer Editor v3.5 (Beta)
Author: Valve
Description: Hammer Map Making Editor Version 3.5 (Beta)
Filename: Leak Marker
Author: Saida
Description: A Map Leak Marking program.
Filename: Map Viewer
Description: View your .map file before you compile with
this program.
Filename: RES Generator
Author: Jeroen Bogers
Description: Create .res files for your maps with this
Filename: Terrain Generator
Description: Create terrain maps with this program.
Then import and edit with Valve Hammer Editor.
Filename: Wally
Author: Team BDP
Description: Edit game texture files with with program.
In our case (.wad) files.
Filename: Zoners Half-Life Tools v3.4 Final
Author: amckern
Description: Zoners Half-Life Map Compile Tools v3.4
Filename: DPB_Field Dev Kit
Author: Bloodvayne
Click Image to Download:

Filename: BunkersNStuffPrefabs
Author: Bloodvayne & Jeff Quittman
Click Image to Download: